Visit of Assoc. Prof. Rafaela Cardoso



Assoc. Prof. Rafaela Cardoso from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon (Portugal) has visited the Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics from 23rd to 25th of January 2017.

In the frame of the Collaborative Research Center 837 Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling Prof. Cardoso presented recent research work about the electro-mechanical behaviour of clays. We thank Prof. Cardoso for her visit and the fruitful scientific discussions during her stay.


Assoc. Prof. Rafaela Cardoso from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon (Portugal) has visited the Chair of Foundation Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics from 23rd to 25th of January 2017.

In the frame of the Collaborative Research Center 837 Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling Prof. Cardoso presented recent research work about the electro-mechanical behaviour of clays. We thank Prof. Cardoso for her visit and the fruitful scientific discussions during her stay.