Neues Paper: "On the AVISA model for clay – Recommendations for calibration and verification based on the back analysis of a piled raft" in "Computers and Geotechnics"


Avisa Merita 2022

In a recent paper published by Computers and Geotechnics in collaboration with the University of Kassel, the AVISA model (Tafili & Triantafyllidis, 2020) is applied on the case study of the piled raft of Messeturm in Frankfurt, for which extensive measurement data are available. The simulations comprise both the construction phase and the subsequent long-term deformation due to creep using Tochnog.

In a recent paper published by Computers and Geotechnics in collaboration with the University of Kassel (Aljoscha Ganal and Prof. Oliver Reul), the AVISA model (Tafili & Triantafyllidis, 2020) is applied on the case study of the piled raft of Messeturm in Frankfurt, for which extensive measurement data are available. The simulations comprise both the construction phase and the subsequent long-term deformation due to creep using Tochnog. The calibration of the parameters was done using experiments of Frankfurt clay. Additionally, suggestions for the initialization of state variables, the choice of parameters, and the constraints of their values to prevent numerical instabilities are provided.    Tafili, M., Ganal, A., Wichtmann, T., & Reul, O. (2023). On the AVISA model for clay–Recommendations for calibration and verification based on the back analysis of a piled raft.

Computers and Geotechnics, 154, 105126. Tafili, M., Ganal, A., Wichtmann, T., & Reul, O. (2023). On the AVISA model for clay–Recommendations for calibration and verification based on the back analysis of a piled raft. Computers and Geotechnics, 154, 105126. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.105126

Link zur Veröffentlichung beim Verlag und Research Gate

In a recent paper published by Computers and Geotechnics in collaboration with the University of Kassel, the AVISA model (Tafili & Triantafyllidis, 2020) is applied on the case study of the piled raft of Messeturm in Frankfurt, for which extensive measurement data are available. The simulations comprise both the construction phase and the subsequent long-term deformation due to creep using Tochnog.

In a recent paper published by Computers and Geotechnics in collaboration with the University of Kassel (Aljoscha Ganal and Prof. Oliver Reul), the AVISA model (Tafili & Triantafyllidis, 2020) is applied on the case study of the piled raft of Messeturm in Frankfurt, for which extensive measurement data are available. The simulations comprise both the construction phase and the subsequent long-term deformation due to creep using Tochnog. The calibration of the parameters was done using experiments of Frankfurt clay. Additionally, suggestions for the initialization of state variables, the choice of parameters, and the constraints of their values to prevent numerical instabilities are provided.    Tafili, M., Ganal, A., Wichtmann, T., & Reul, O. (2023). On the AVISA model for clay–Recommendations for calibration and verification based on the back analysis of a piled raft.

Computers and Geotechnics, 154, 105126. Tafili, M., Ganal, A., Wichtmann, T., & Reul, O. (2023). On the AVISA model for clay–Recommendations for calibration and verification based on the back analysis of a piled raft. Computers and Geotechnics, 154, 105126. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2022.105126

Link zur Veröffentlichung beim Verlag und Research Gate